PACE logo and tagline Healthy Communities Whatever it Takes.

Serving Elko, Eureka, and White Pine Counties
Partners Allied for Community Excellence



Our motto, "Healthy Communities ... Whatever It Takes,” captures the essence of our coalition’s mission which we fulfill by funding substance use prevention programs, providing special training, and offering educational opportunities about harmful substances, health and wellness, parenting, nutrition, and more.

PACE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation funded primarily by state and federal grants.

To make the most efficient use of our resources, PACE uses surveys and other research tools to assess community needs, identify available resources, evaluate existing attitudes and beliefs, and discover local substance use patterns and trends.

Our Vision

Girl looking into distance

To create an environment in Elko, Eureka and White Pine counties where every person is supported by family, peers and the community and where every individual will receive all that he or she needs to become safe, healthy, substance free, educated and a contributing member of the community.


Our Mission

Girl looking into distance

To strengthen the character and competencies of youth and families in Elko, Eureka and White Pine counties through the collaborative effort of members from every community sector to reduce substance abuse and to enhance proven protective factors that encourage youth and other community members to make healthy choices and to create communities in which all may find support and recognition as valued members of the community.


Board of Directors

Chair: Bob Milligan

Executive Director: Laura L. Oslund

Treasurer: Georgene Proutsos-Malloy

Secretary: Larry Robb

Board Member: Shaelene French


PACE Library

PACE Coalition offers an extensive resource of free information targeting alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse, as well as general information about physical and emotional well-being and guides to making healthy choices. PACE is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 429 Court Street, Suite 2, in Elko.

apple and books on desk

“This publication was supported in whole or in part by the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency (SAPTA) through State General Funds and SAPT Block and Partnership for Success federal grants from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).  Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. DHHS, SAMHSA, or the State of Nevada.”

Copyright © 2010- All Rights Reserved
PACE Coalition, 429 Court Street, Suite 2, Elko, NV 89801