Calendar of Events

March 2025 Calendar Thumb

Welcome to PACE Coalition

PACE Coalition is a nonprofit coalition of parents, educators, business leaders, law enforcement, and people from many community sectors who work to strengthen families in Elko, Eureka, and White Pine counties and to keep youth substance free.

Nevada Tobacco Helpline

HouseTobacco-Free Rentals

For information about Elko area tobacco-free rentals, call (775) 777-3451 or email Laura L. Oslund.

GuideStar silver logo

PACE logo

You can join the campaign to prevent substance misuse and abuse while building the resources and support Northeastern Nevadans need.

Resources Directory link button




Resource Directory PDF
For a copy in Microsoft Excel, email request to:

Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies

CASAT OnDemand is a comprehensive source for the latest behavioral health information.

Elko Mental Health Providers & Telehealth Providers List

Marijuana Articles

Easy-to-read drug facts site:


Open book icon
PACE Coalition's
2020 CCPP

What do you know about domestic violence?

Get the facts about domestic violence in the U.S.

Map of Nevada Behavioral Health Regions

Nevada Behavioral Health Regions

Nevada is divided into five behavioral health regions. Residents of Elko, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, and White Pine counties are in the Rural Behavioral Health Region. For information about the services in this region, email Rural Regional Behavioral Health Coordinator Valerie C. Haskin, MA, MPH, or call (775) 300-3245.

Keeping PACE newsletter masthead

PACE Coalition's monthly newsletter includes information about our programs, partners, upcoming events, calendars and more.
Click here to sign up for our newsletter.

Rural Providers Coalition Meeting invitation

poster with tips for safe disposal of e-cigarettes

Get the Facts About Vaping and Bust the Myths

Vaping Facts image and link

Smokeless Tobacco Poison Center Calls Involving E-Cigarettes

marijuana plant Marijuana, Pregnancy and Parenting

Guidelines for keeping infants and children safe.

infographic thumbnail link What does excessive alcohol use look like?

Check out the infographic to find out.



Opioid Safety and How to Use Nalaxone

pill bottles

Guide for Patients and Caregivers Click here



Photo of young girl smiling

Loving Foster Parents needed

Abused and neglected children who are removed from their families often need to live outside of their communities, away from everything familiar.
In Nevada’s rural communities, many children, including teens and sibling groups, are in need of a safe and nurturing home. Foster parents provide a temporary home so these children can heal and feel supported.
Foster parents can be single or married, male or female. They can be working, or a stay-at-home parent. They can also be retired with grown children.
There are many types of care that may be more suitable for your home situation:

To learn more on how you can become a licensed foster parent with the State of Nevada, please call 1-888-423-2659, or go to